Tuesday, April 5, 2011

don't hype a college game

I've been scratching my head trying to figure out how a team can play that bad? Was Butler watching Jim Calhoun's pregame speech and fell asleep? Jim Calhoun won't be advising Disney on movie lines anytime soon "Let's make sure we go out and get 'em." wow Jim wow. All the players appeared bored but then the speech ended and was followed by ONE UCONN player clapping. The game was so boring not even buffalo wild wings could save it. The truth is, this is what we are going to have as long as kids keep leaving for the NBA early. The final 4 should have featured Kevin Love on UCLA, Derek Rose on Memphis, Eric Gordon playing for Indiana but these players are playing in the NBA All star game. Every game in the tournament was low quality but this game is getting written and trashed on because its the only game that had "expectations" and featured alone. The future of NCAA FINALS are going to be two teams that feature 2 upperclassmen whose future in the NBA is as a role players until there is a rule change in regards to the NBA DRAFT.

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